Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blog closed

It was fun, but we're done, and we've taken our Adsense revenue and retired to Nice. Cheers.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Vintage Blue Tees

Now for a Bostodelphia clothing connection...a Bostonian moves to Phillie, goes native, and produces some wicked cool vintage inspired tees. (aside - does Philadelphia have any local adjectives like 'wicked' that immediately irritate Floridians?) Vintage Blue is producing clothing and totes with 40's and 50's inspired graphics.

Now, my collaborator and I are eco-conscious types, so we are keen to note that VB is using sustainable business practices and materials throughout. The proprietor is also a loyal citizen of Red Sox Nation. Looks like cheesesteaks from Geno's only goes so far, Phillies.

So go and get yourself a new shirt already!